What Can We Offer Your Church?

Here are some of the ways I can offer help:

• Local church stewardship education that gives insight into best practices

• Preaching on stewardship, emphasizing generosity as our response to God’s love, as pulpit supply or occasional emphasis

• Directing stewardship campaigns as the outside resource leader and presenting options for such campaigns and for helping to create a culture of generosity

• Share the basics of seven stewardship programs

• Planned Giving talks to groups in the church or in worship/preaching (a vital missing piece in our churches)

• How to structure wills and estate gifts to maximize their effectiveness

• Ways of Giving (online, generational differences, making best use of liturgical seasons, occasional letters and appeals, speaking to inactive members, one to one presentations)

• Finance/Stewardship Committee training, helping to bring new insights to the financial picture

• Endowments: How to get started and how to maintain an endowment fund

• Capital funds campaigns for small to mid-sized churches

• Workshops for district training events and/or clergy meetings

• Preparing a detailed analysis of all financial aspects of your church by analyzing giving and spending practices over the last few years, with a report to the church








Disclaimer: While I am a pastor, now retired, with a love for God and for Christ’s Holy Church, I am not an attorney nor a professional certified financial advisor, nor a professional fund-raiser. If I were, most churches could not afford me. What I bring is years of experience as a local church pastor, greater than average reading and education in these matters, and a desire is to help churches develop faithful and generous stewards and for Christians to be better money managers.

Disclaimer: While I am a pastor, now retired, with a love for God and for Christ’s Holy Church, I am not an attorney nor a professional certified financial advisor, nor a professional fund-raiser. If I were, most churches could not afford me. What I bring is years of experience as a local church pastor, greater than average reading and education in these matters, and a desire is to help churches develop faithful and generous stewards and for Christians to be better money managers.